
[英文] 為什麼我支持香港?為什麼加拿大人也應該支持香港?


Originally published at Hill Times

Why I stand with Hong Kong & why all Canadians should too

Canadians’ press freedom, politics, and education are threatened by the authoritarian overreach of Beijing, writes Alex Lee of Alliance Canada Hong Kong.

The world has been mesmerized with the scenes from Hong Kong’s protests. The shocking footage of police brutality is juxtaposed alongside scenes of strength and bravery against the threats, violence, and authoritarianism of China’s Communist Party. The Communist Party threatens not only the freedom and security of Hong Kongers, but of Canadians and around the world.

Hong Kong matters to Canadians, not only because it is a global financial centre and trading hub, or that there are more Canadians there (roughly 300,00) than in Windsor, Ont., or Saskatoon. (Both Canadian cities have a population of under 300,000.) Hong Kong is also on the front lines of a global stealth war waged by the Communist Party—a war that Canadians are a part of, whether we realize it or not. As per David Mulroney, former Canadian ambassador to China, the party is “the greatest threat to human freedom on the planet.”

In the past two years alone, the Chinese government has kidnapped Canadian citizens, threatened punitive measures against Canada, conducted widespread industrial espionage against Canadian firms, and marshalled attacks on students in Canadian university campuses. Canadians’ press freedom, politics, and education are threatened by the authoritarian overreach of Beijing.

There is a more personal reason why Hong Kong matters. I grew up in Toronto during the 1990s, when thousands of Hong Kong families, fearful of their city’s 1997 return to Chinese control, immigrated to Canada. These immigrants and their children became my cherished childhood friends, and remain as such today.

The woman shot in the eye by a Hong Kong police officer could easily have been Ellie, the first friend I made in kindergarten at a Toronto-area Christian Academy. When riot police indiscriminately beat passengers on the Hong Kong metro, one of the victims could have been Edward, who moved to Canada at seven years old and was delighted when he saw his first snowfall.

The fact that Ellie and Edward grew up Canadian is an accident of history. They could just have easily been harmed as a result of Hong Kong indiscriminate police brutality. When I see students courageously defending their home, supported by an army of parents and community members, I see them as no different from Canadians. They are standing up for the values enshrined in our Charter of Rights and Freedom. And, as Canadians, we should stand with them.

Ottawa is belatedly waking up. Senators Leo Housakos and Thanh Hai Ngo are introducing a motion calling for Magnitsky sanctions on officials of both Hong Kong and China who violate human rights, justice, and the rule of law. These should be applied not only in regards to Hong Kong, but the genocide and internment of over one million Uyghur Muslims in concentration camps. We have not hesitated in applying Magnitsky sanctions against many other countries, and China should be no exception.

China’s ambassador, Cong Peiwu, threatened our government twice against such sanctions, saying that there would be “very firm countermeasures.” We must not bow to these threats.

The Senate is not the only legislative body taking action. An increasing number of MPs are speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party’s atrocities and interference in Canadian affairs. And a newly created parliamentary special committee will probe the increasingly strained Canada-China relationship.

Although all Liberals voted against the committee’s creation in December, a Liberal MP told me privately that they, and some of their colleagues, were supportive of the motion. And thankfully so: defending human rights, national security, and combatting foreign interference must not be partisan issues. Parliament is taking action, and our leaders are unifying against the threat from China’s Communist Party. Belatedly, we’re all beginning to stand with Hong Kong, as they have stood by us. Canadians, Hong Kongers, and the world will be better for it.

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Alliance Canada Hong Kong(ACHK)正在填補加拿大社會的重要空隙。在現任聯邦政府的領導下,加拿大持續無視侵犯人權的行為以換取與中國的經貿關係。面對國家批准的種族滅絕與人道主義危機,ACHK 譴責加拿大政府袖手旁觀的立場。

前香港大學學生會會長、ACHK 青年參與和政策計劃主任黃程鋒表示:「香港正獨自站在反對中國共產黨暴政的最前線。加拿大政府必須起來反對北京的魔爪,而這種情況甚至正在加拿大境內發生。」


為了解社區人士的意願,ACHK 與總部位於香港的媒體組織「民間記者會」(CPC)進行了一項社區諮詢調查,讓 ACHK 能確立全國性宣傳及政治運動的方向。這項調查的對象為加拿大人與香港人,有多達 13,000 多人參加。加拿大受訪者亦來自國內各個地區。

調查結果表明,最重要的訴求是引用《馬格尼茨基法案》(Magnitsky Act)之制裁措施,以及支援到加拿大尋求庇護的香港人。參與調查的加拿大人更強調,有必要檢視中國對加拿大私人和公共機構的外來干預。

ACHK 行政總監王卓妍表示:「作為一個進步派人士,我的友儕認為人權非關黨派問題。但我對進步主義者的社區對於中共專政的野心及公然侵犯人權問題上保持沉默感到非常失望。我呼籲加拿大各界領袖,不要再對北京的暴力壓迫保持沉默,甚至同流合污。」

ACHK 及加國港人社區敦促加拿大聯邦政府支持以下的「五大訴求」:

1)透過引用外國腐敗官員受害者正義法 (馬格尼茨基法案) (S.C. 2017, c. 21) 向中共政權、香港政府及香港警務處有關官員,追究干犯人權及警暴責任。以及對其官員實施制裁措施,包括封鎖及凍結相關人仕資產;





ACHK 誠邀各加拿大人加入網上遊說行動,敦促加國政客一同支持五大訴求。

ACHK 支援受到中共逼害的台灣人、西藏人、維吾爾人、中國人及其他群體並歡迎他們加入。ACHK 亦同時支援加拿大及國外的原住民以及被邊緣化社區的人士。 |

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ACHK現已發布其活動計劃第一版。 該文檔可在此處下載

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卑詩省溫哥華 (2020年1月15日) – Alliance Canada Hong Kong (ACHK) 於今日成立,成為集結各地社群、致力推動加拿大及香港的民主及人權進程的一把聲音。ACHK以連結加拿大香港社群推動本地公民、社會及政治改變,從而倡導加拿大大眾及加拿大政治領袖支持香港民主運動、同時抵抗中國共產黨干預為目標。

前香港大學學生會會長、ACHK 青年參與和政策計劃主任黃程鋒表示:「香港正獨自站在反對中國共產黨暴政的最前線。加拿大政府必須與香港及世界各地連線,一同起來對抗意圖干擾及摧毀自由社會的魔爪。」


ACHK 行政總監王卓妍表示:「作為加拿大香港人,我比香港的同伴幸運,身處一個自由、且容讓不同政見表達的社會,所以我更有責任捍衞香港的自由及基本權利。我們會致力賦予香港人及加拿大聯盟所需力量,以一同支持香港民主進程。」

為了解社區各界人士的意願,ACHK 與總部位於香港的媒體組織「民間記者會」(CPC)進行了一項社區諮詢調查,向香港人及加拿大人提問加拿大港人社群所關注的事項,以確立及推動相應解決方法。

ACHK 支援受到中共逼害的台灣人、西藏人、維吾爾人、中國人及其他群體,並歡迎他們加入。ACHK 亦同時支援加拿大及國外的原住民以及被邊緣化社區的人士。
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誠邀各社群團體加入 ACHK

Alliance Canada Hong Kong ACHK 是一個由熱愛民主自由的香港人所推動的全國性行動。透過各種各樣的政治行動,連結全國的香港人社群,支援香港的民主運動。利用法案去推動香港的民主自由,是我們的最終目標。